
Schedule of Zoning Fees

The Schedule of Fees shall be as follows:

  • Variance Request fee, $500.00
  • Zoning Amendment fee, $500.00
  • Conditional Use Permit fee, $500.00
  • Certified Survey Map fee, $250.00

Additional Fees:
A deposit for additional fees as set out at Article XVII(L)(B) of the Town of Holland Zoning Ordinance shall be required in the amount of $10,000.00 if the estimated cost of the improvement is more than $500,000.00.

Any additional fees incurred shall be due within thirty (30) days from the date of invoice.

Liquor License Fees (adopted August 2023) (Amended to include Class A March 2023)

Class A & B Liquor License for one year       $150
Class A & B Beer License for one year          $100
Temporary Class B Beer License    -  $10
Two Year Operator License  -  $40  - expires June 30th of even yrs.
Tobacco License for one year   -   $100
Publication Fee -  $32

Residents Requesting Additional Trash or Recycling Carts (i.e. more than one per address):

At the February 7, 2024 Town Board Meeting, it was decided that residents who desire extra cart(s) for their business or residence will be required to pay a fee of $101 per year for each additional trash cart and $37.87 for each additional recycle cart, plus the cost of  the extra cart(s).

Fee for Title and Special Assessment Requests

Companies requesting land, tax and property information, as well as special assessments, sewer, and water information will be asked to submit a $25 fee payable to the Town of Holland. Per Res. 3.13.2024

Schedule of Dog License and Kennel Fees

The Annual Schedule of Fees shall be as follows:

  • Individual non-neutered / non-spayed dogs, $10.00
  • Individual spayed or neutered dogs, $5.00
  • Kennels (4-12 dogs) $140.00 (need Town Board Approval)

Additional Information:
Please find the dog license and/or kennel application under the 'Community' tab in the heading. Send the completed form, plus your veterinary rabies information and fee to Treasurer Gloria Kennedy.