New Laws, Resolutions, and Ordinances
These are new laws and ordinances that have been adopted and are going to be or have been added to the to Town of Holland's Municipal Code or Zoning Ordinance books.
- Town of Holland Municipal Code
- Zoning Ordinance (Amended July 2020)
- Zone Ordinance Amendment 7 7 20
- Dog Kennel Ordinance adopted 10-7-19, Chapter 6A
- ATV Ordinance
- Fire Protection Ordinance
- Town of Holland - WECS Ordinance
- Solar Energy Moratorium Ordinance
- Battery Energy Storage System Moratorium Ordinance
- Ordinance 12-7-23 Election Worker Shifts
- Animal Ordinance 2023-5-3
- Class B Road Ordinance - May 1, 2024