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The Town of Holland contracts with Deyo Disposal (920-864-5808) to provide garbage and recycling pickup for its residents. This is meant to be a residential service only.

Trash is picked up every Tuesday, and recycle carts are picked up every-other Tuesday, 5am to 5pm. Be sure your cart is placed away from anything that would interfere with the truck's arms to have access to the cart.

Carts having unacceptable contents will not be emptied. No yard waste, construction refuse, or ashes are allowed in the trash or recycle carts.

If Pick-up Day falls on a holiday, the pick-up will happen the following day.

For Large-Item Pick-up, contact Deyo Disposal (920) 864-5808 for special pick-up. You may be billed a small amount for this service.

One garbage and one recycling cart is initially allowed at each residence. At the February 7, 2024 Town Board Meeting, it was decided to charge for extra carts, plus $101 for extra trash cart pickup, and $38 for extra recycle cart pickup. Please contact the Town Clerk if you need this extra service.

2025 Trash & Recycle Pick-up Schedule

Brown County Recycling- for information on acceptable items for trash or recyclebles, and much more!

Lithium Ion Batteries - Information on Lithium-Ion Batteries

2025 Appliance Recycle Day  - The Appliance/Technology Recycle Drive will be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025. Hollandtown Community Park from 8am to noon. This is for Town of Holland residents.

2025 Yard Waste Schedule - Yard waste collection is offered on certain Saturday mornings throughout the growing season.