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This is a plea from Deyo Disposal to dispose of your trash or recycle items properly:

Trash:  please bag your garbage! Use plastic bags that are strong enough to contain your trash without breaking. Shopping bags do not work because of breakage, and loose garbage does not work at all because of containment issues in the dumping and delivery process.

Recycle: No plastic bags are to be used. They tangle in the processing machinery at the plant. Brown bags, are fine. For magazine or newspapers, use brown bags, or cardboard boxes, or tie with a lightweight string.

Also a reminder:   DO NOT EVER put ash into the trash carts – even if you think it is cooled down. It is not allowed in the carts, and if found at the landfill, they are not allowed to even empty the truckload.

Thank you! Please pass the word to your neighbors!

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